I could write pages about my love of horror films. From the psychological to the supernatural to the slasher to the downright nasty...horror films encompass the same thrills as a scary ass roller coaster. The increased heart rate, the adrenalin and the gut churning thrills are all very similar!
The film I am choosing isn't necessarily the best in terms of story, effects or acting. However, it is the film that saw the rise of one of the most iconic horror characters and the subsequent inspiration for the naming of my baby boy. Yes, predictably maybe, but my choice is "A Nightmare on Elm Street".
Released in 1984, I was 15 and it made such an impression on me. The character of Freddy Krueger was pure genius...he personified the terror of nightmares with an added dash of comedy, which served to make him all the more sinister!
Johnny Depp makes an early appearance as one of the teens who meets a gruesome end at the razor fingered hands of Freddy Krueger. Robert Englund played the lead brilliantly with the perfect blend of terror and humour. The iconic gloves, hat and jumper make him instantly recognisable. The NOES franchise produced a series of excellent sequels. The third one was my favourite "Dream Warriors" which was released in 1987. I liked how the story was padded out with more background on Krueger whilst remaining true to the original. The character was embellished allowing a degree of humanity without ruining his horror credentials!
To this day, I still don't like having my wardrobe door open when I go to bed...not even a crack...in case Freddy Krueger decides to come through while I'm asleep! The spectral killer is certainly the stuff of nightmares...and I for one, love it!!