
Wednesday, 1 June 2011

I'm Grateful for...The Gallery

There are so many many things for which I am extremely grateful.  My amazing husband, my beautiful children, my home, my extended family, the luxury of being a SAHM, my friends (real life and virtual), my possessions and my health.  However, with all our attention drawn to the wonderful work of Save the Children and the #passiton project, this week my entry into The Gallery shows my gratitude at being born in the UK.  I am grateful to be a citizen of an economically developed country with all the privileges and benefits that that entails. 

My first photo was taken by my daughter Megan who visited South Africa to visit a school in Vukani that her school raised funds for.  They visited the townships, the orphanages and the AIDS projects in a life changing adventure that opened her eyes to how other people lived.  She witnessed such poverty and deprivation, but the thing that moved her most was the spirit and pride of the people.

The second photograph was taken yesterday.  I took my two youngest to the local Garden Centre for lunch and a play in the well equipped play area.  My children have never known hunger, poverty or need.  They are well fed, educated, healthy.  They have a Health Service that protects them. They have clean running water. They have a home made from bricks and mortar and all the material possessions that make their lives comfortable and easy.  They have a bright future.

The little boy in the photo and Freddy aren't so different...but are worlds apart.  

I am grateful for how lucky we are.


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