He has told me lots of things all about school:
"It is really boring for mummies and daddies."
"My homework is to do playing."
Me: Have you made friends?
Freddy: Yes.
Me: Do they have names?
Freddy: Yes, everyone in my class has a name.
My favourite part of school is doing my homework!" (As he told us that homework is playing, this comes as no surprise!)
Freddy and his cousin and classmate A were discussing why their regular teacher was not in school for the first week:
Freddy: I think she has problems in her house.
Cousin A: I think she went on holiday or died!
"The teacher reads lots of stories. My favourite was about that elephant who went slow, slow, slow, boom, boom, boom!"
"My blue sweatshirt is too soft and makes my tummy feel rumbly!"
I bumped into someone, BOOM, cried and needed an ice pack." (My poor little soldier!!)
I hope Freddy continues to tell me his stories about school, sharing his days with me. I can't believe that my baby has taken his first step into his school career. Now I just need to decide what to do with my days without my little boy to look after!