I was thrilled to bits to be chosen as the winner of March's Tots 100 Blog Hop with my
Learning Through Play post. My prize consisted of a family ticket to Drayton Manor Park which we'll be using for Freddy's birthday in July. We also received some fantastic Mega Bloks for Freddy and Kizzy.
Kizzy received the Hello Kitty Big House and Candy Store which were absolutely gorgeous. Even Freddy got in on the act. The little Kitty characters were adorable and Kizzy loved designing the house....a future interior designer perhaps!
Kizzy was delighted with her goodies. |
Kizzy's patio for Kitty. |
Fred checks out the house. |
Freddy received the brilliant MegaBloks Play and Go Table and an Imagination Bag. The lovely colourful big pieces fitted together easily in his little hands. The lid becomes a road for whizzing the car around, and you can build a town around it. Colourful stickers transform the bricks into buildings.
What's in here Mummy?? |
Brrrmmm!! |
The Play table is lovely! |
The Play Table has become a firm favourite in our house. The lid mechanism is really effective. The centre twists to lock the table top into place and the bricks are stored neatly underneath. The table can be folded down for storage.The legs fold underneath making it easy to stow away or transport. It is a lovely toy and is really practical. Freddy's imaginative play is getting more inventive. His understanding of building with the bricks is getting better by the day. It is a toy that is going to grow with him for years to come!
Thank you so much :)