"I'm Ella the Cowboy and I'm a naughty cowboy who is also Darth Vader's girlfriend."
"What Fred said about the human brain:
"The brain helps us speak and controls all the other parts of the body like feet. It says to them "Hey feet, hey feet - move?"
What Fred said about themed birthday parties and missing the point of his superhero party:
F: Birthday parties are all about a person.
Me: Yes, they are someone's special day so your birthday was all about you.
F: No, it wasn't about me, it was about another person. My birthday was for Captain America.
What Fred said to Nana while she was pretending that his woollen toy snake was real:
Nana: "Ooh Freddy can I see your snake I've never seen one like that before!"
Freddy: (who stopped dead in his tracks to stop and stare at his Nan before replying in an utterly deadpan way) "Yes you have Nana - YOU knitted it!!"
However, Freddy did go to see Santa at the disco and even had a chat with him. He was actually quite taken with him! He proudly told me that he promised Santa that he would leave him out a mince pie and some carrots for his reindeer. Freddy said that for Christmas he just wanted a game that he could play with his daddy. He declared that he loved him now!
Santa gave him a Cadbury's selection box, which Freddy brought home and immediately divided out among his sisters, Ian and I. What a cutie! I think the spirit of Christmas is finally alive and well in my boy. Roll on the festivities!!