The story is based around the mischievous little dog Pudsey, who escapes from his solo life and embarks on an adventure when he comes across siblings Molly, Tommy and George. Jumping in to their moving van as the family are leaving for a new life in the country after the loss of their father, Pudsey ends up living with them in the aptly named Tumbledown Farm. Cue a corrupt landlord, Mr Thorne, with a hatred for dogs and an evil plan to destroy the Chuffington farmhouse and you have the basis for the plot.
Of course, Pudsey saves the day and along the way he helps the damaged younger brother to find his voice, fixes the broken family, helps save a life and is instrumental in some romance. He also causes mayhem at the Chuffington Fete, destroys the local dog pound, ruins a world record breaking pie, foils Thorne's evil plan and induces a nervous breakdown. All in a day's work!
Pudsey is voiced by David Walliams, keeping with the BGT and Cowell connection. Other stars include John Sessions, Jessica Hynes and Jim Tavare. With a feel of Babe meets Lassie with a smidgen of Benny Hill slapstick thrown in for good measure, the actors turn in a good panto style performance. Pudsey delivers his scenes with canine professionalism and does a bit of his trademark walking on hind legs, but there isn't too much of his 'dancing' involved in the story as I would have expected from a Pudsey movie.
All in all, I found it quite enjoyable. If you are expecting something high brow or subtly scripted, forget it. But if you want some lighthearted fun, some amusing animals (especially the 'egg laying' pig), some slapstick visual comedy, a predictable but gently satisfying plot and kid friendly storytelling then you will probably be entertained by this rural romp.