
Saturday 3 September 2011

My Blogaversary Celebrations Begin!!

It was during this month,  one whole year ago that I started my blog.  As I tentatively tapped out the words on my keyboard, I had no concept of where it would lead me.  My first post  was a nervous little introduction to why I wanted to enter the Land of Blog and was quickly followed by some pieces that explained who I essentially am, such as  "Being a Mother".  I suddenly started getting page views and comments which was so humbling, I became a part of this amazing community and have never looked back.

As a blogger I have had opportunities I could never have believed possible.  I interviewed Ken and Tracy Barlow from Corrie, I became an Ambassador for Graco who sponsored my Cybermummy ticket, I have attended amazing events, visited wonderful places,  become a Craniac, A Harvey's Furniture Tester, a ToyologistGuest Edited Real People and reviewed fabulous products.  I have met some great people and my confidence has increased no end.  I became involved with Sandra from Thinking Slimmer who has helped me battle my diet demons once and for all.  All this has arisen from my decision to open the doors Inside the Wendy House and let the world in!   In a year I have received 75,000 page views on my blog and 38,000 hits on my YouTube channel.  I simply cannot believe it and I am so overwhelmed and immensely grateful to have this opportunity.

This is definitely worth celebrating!  So to say thank you to everyone who has ever read a post, commented, followed my blog and helped make this experience so rewarding, I am having a brilliant Blogaversary giveaway.   So many lovely brands have supported me over the months and I have been fortunate enough to get some awesome prizes to give away to some of my fabulous followers.  I'm so happy to share the love, so starting next week I am hosting "My Big, Fat Blogaversary Giveaway!"  Stay tuned and spread the word!