
Sunday, 22 May 2011

Pop Goes Froggio Review

We enjoy playing family games Inside the Wendy House, so when Mummy News offered us the chance to review Pop Goes Froggio, the "fast matching, frog catching game" by Hasbro, we were only too pleased!
It is a pre-school game for 2-4 players ages 3+.

The game consists of a cute little frog character who is launched into the air when you step on the pump attached to his lily pad.

Ten lily pad cards featuring animals are scattered around.  A butterfly spinner is spun and whatever animal it lands on, is the card that needs to be uncovered by the eager players.  Whoever finds the matching card gets to launch Froggio from his lily pad.  If you catch him, you keep the card.

Freddy is 2, so too young to understand the rules of the game.  However, he loved launching the frog and laughed excitedly whenever Froggio flew into the air!  Big sister Kizzy helped him to play the game and loved every minute of it!

I loved the quality of the game.  It is well made and very robust.  The Froggio character is lovely.  The game is very simple to play and can be enjoyed on many levels.  Kizzy loved the challenge of launching and catching the frog, and enjoyed the memory aspect of finding the matching cards.  Freddy loved being a part of the game and quickly learned how to launch Froggio, taking great delight in doing so.  The laughter that this game created makes me give Pop Goes Froggio a big 10/10!!

Pop Goes Froggio is available from Toys R Us for £15.99.