
Friday, 2 October 2015

Horrifying Haribo for Halloween

This Halloween, I am preparing for the annual Trick or Treaters with a little help from HARIBO. They have sent me a Trick or Treat multipack, some Minions Gone Batty, some Horror Mix and a tub of their Share the Fun treat packs. The neighbouring kids will love to get their fangs into these treats. Having individual mini-bags to hand out makes it quick and easy when little ghouls come knocking.

The Limited Edition Minions Gone Batty put a spooky Halloween twist on everybody's favourite yellow characters while the Horror Mix gives kids witch's hats, spiders, snakes, bats and brooms to munch on. They are great for sharing at parties. Each Trick or Treat bag has ten small packs of assorted HARIBO, while the Share the Fun tub contains twenty four mini bags. That's plenty to keep the Trick or Treaters happy!

confectionery, halloween