
Thursday, 29 January 2015

Shake Up your Wake Up with Nestle Cereals #BreakfastWeek

Nestle are celebrating #BreakfastWeek by inviting us all to shake up our wake up and make breakfast times more fun.  They want us to get creative with the kids and mix and match our cereals to make a yummy concoction to start the day.  Not only will this encourage kids to get involved with preparing their breakfast, it will ensure they enjoy a nutritious start to their morning.

Funnily enough, breakfast cereal concoctions have been a 'thing' here Inside the Wendy House for as long as I can remember.  Why have one type of cereal when you can have two or even three?  There is so much choice and with every green bannered box of Nestle breakfast cereals, you know you are getting wholegrain goodness and at least five vitamins and minerals.  You really can't go wrong.

Freddy's favourite, which he has every morning is a Cheerio and Shreddies combo with cold, almond milk.

So, here I give to you Freddy's Nestle Cheerio and Shreddies combo:

Freddio's Shreddio's!

Nestle cereals

Kezia went for a mix of Curiously Cinnamon and Cookie Crisp, served with a splash of cold almond milk (or eaten dry from a bowl as a tasty brekkie on her way to school along with a drinkable yogurt for a hearty breakfast on the go!)

Kezia called her combo:  Sugar and Spice.

Nestle, cookie crisp