
Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Freddy is 5 Today!

It was 5.56pm on July 9th 2009 that I gave birth to my son Freddy.  Weighing in at 9lb 10oz, this little boy was destined to bring a whole new dimension of love and joy into our hearts.  With three doting big sisters and a big brother, he has been surrounded by affection and attention from the very start.  We have seen him develop into a beautiful, confident, outgoing little lad, overcoming every hurdle with his determined spirit.  He makes us laugh with his cheeky sense of humour, entertains us with his singing and dancing and fills our days with laughter, pride and fun.  

He loves watching videos on YouTube (he knows the words to Dumb Ways to Die in both English and Italian).  He likes Nerf Guns, wooden swords and water pistols.  He enjoys Wii Sport boxing and playing Plants vs Zombies on my phone.  He likes his sandpit, swing and slide and playing out doors. His love of strawberries, grapes, egg whites, cheese pizza, tomato soup and porridge stops me worrying about how fussy he is when it comes to eating a hot meal at dinnertime  His reading, writing and drawing skills have just taken off after a very slow start (my age and experience has taught me not to worry - he'll get there in his own time!) Freddy loves to join in with things and makes friends with other children wherever we go. He loves to snuggle with me in my bed in the mornings and the feel of his soft hair against my cheek, as he nestles close to me, remains one of my favourite moments of the day.

Having a child in my forties, I worried about whether I'd be able to keep up with him, but this boy keeps me young at heart and on my toes. He has reminded me of what is important in my life, has taught me so much about myself and has consequently given me a more relaxed outlook on things.  He is an absolute blessing and I am eternally grateful that I get to be his mummy!

Happy 5th birthday to my little man!

birthday boy, age 5