
Tuesday, 4 February 2014

We're Zack & Quack Party Hosts

nick jr

This Friday, join me for a Zack & Quack Twitter Party from 3.45pm to 5.45pm.

The party is timed to coincide with the Nick Jr UK premiere of their brand new show Zack & Quack at 4.30pm.  We'll be sitting down to enjoy the show and Tweeting about what we think.

Zack and his friend Quack love to make things out of bits and pieces in their pop up paper world, so the theme for this party is arts and crafts.

As well as washing the show, we'll be getting crafty and making models using boxes, glue, glitter, paper plates and pompoms.  It might get messy!

Throughout the party, you can join the party hosts, @NickJrUK and @UKMumsTV on Twitter and if you join in the fun using the hashtag #zackandquack you could win some great prizes.

Twitter parties can be lots of fun so I hope you will join us to celebrate the premiere of Nick Jr's new show Zack & Quack!