
Thursday 3 October 2013

The Big Wedding Film Review

"Marriage is like a phone call in the night.  First you get the ring, then you wake up!"  This is one of the opening lines spoken by Robert De Niro in this star studded movie, The Big Wedding from Lionsgate.  It pretty much sets the tone for the film in which long divorced couple Don and Ellie (played by De Niro and Diane Keaton) are forced to play the happy couple once again for the sake of their adopted son when his ultra- conservative, Catholic, Colombian biological mother arrives to attend his wedding.  This creates all kinds of awkward and funny moments as the family are forced to confront their past, present and future during the wedding weekend.

There are many awkward moments throughout the film, some of which are scarily familiar.  The sort of cringeworthy moments that family gatherings have an uncanny knack of bringing out!  There are love triangles, pregnancy issues, celibacy problems, religious conflicts, commitment problems and countless other family issues.  The characters each have a storyline that entwine and come to a head at the wedding.  

The cast carry the film well although some of the roles seem a bit underplayed. Robin Williams doesn't deliver one of his usual OTT performances. Katherine Heigl who is the queen of the rom-com, is under used as big sister Lyla who is separated from her husband and has some serious daddy issues.  De Niro is a bit of a Lothario and a lot of the laughs are down to his overactive sex drive.  If you don't like the idea of older people 'at it' the first 5 minutes may need to be viewed through your fingers. 

We discover that the truth isn't always what it seems and that people will bend the truth in order to protect their loved ones. We also see there are different kinds of love, many of which are explored in this frothy comedy.

For me, Sarandon and Keaton stole the show, demonstrating a good chemistry and sharing some witty acerbic banter between them.  I think this rom com is designed for the older audience who will enjoy watching how the relationships develop and play out.  Although I didn't find it a 'laugh out loud' rom-com, it leaves you feeling pleasantly satisfied and well entertained. It is worth a watch.

The Big Wedding is out on DVD/Blu-ray 14th October.


Available now to pre-order.
Release date: 14th October 2013
Certificate: 15
Running Time: 89 minutes

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