
Tuesday 5 March 2013

Karcher Steam Cleaner Review

The Kärcher range of Steam Cleaners for the home, provide an environmentally friendly, quick and convenient way of deep cleaning hard surfaces in the home.  They can be used practically anywhere, making it possible to clean hard floor surfaces, fittings and much more with little effort and without the need for  harsh chemicals, making them safe for all the family and kinder on the planet. The tried and tested Kärcher quality of these machines ensures that  floors, tiles and windows will be thoroughly cleaned and shiny after use.

Kärcher sent me a Steam Cleaner (model SC 2.500 C) to try out.  The cylinder steam cleaner is designed with two tanks, including a removable and refillable tank, for non-stop steam so you can finish jobs faster.  It is very easy and intuitive to use.  It comes with attachments for different jobs and we were keen to experiment with them all to see which household chores could be tackled.  It came with the following accessories:

Steam hose with gun (2 m)
Detail nozzle
Hand tool
Round brush
Terry cloth cover for hand tool
Terry floor cloth
Floor tool

I was very impressed with how quickly the water heated up.  In just 6 minutes we were ready to go.  Pulling the trigger on the handle released a puff of steam which cut through grease and grime with ease.  It worked wonders on the laminate and tiled floors, cleanly deeply and hygienically with the floor tool and terry cloth cover.  It picked up dirt from the grout and left the floor really clean.  The floor dried quickly afterwards.  It was excellent for the bathrooms where the small attachment allowed us to clean right up to the awkwardly shaped toilet bowls. It cleaned the tiling with ease. The skirting boards were also treated to a deep clean and it cleaned some marks that I thought couldn't be removed.  Very impressive.

We used the steam cleaner to clean the tiled shower unit and it was excellent at blasting away the build up in the shower door.  It also washed away a lot of the soap scum from the grout.  It is great knowing our shower is hygienically clean without resorting to chemical cleaners.  I also gave my sink a clean around the taps and down the overflow.  These hard to clean areas were tackled with ease using a jet of steam.  I really got carried away with the versatility and efficiency of the Kärcher Steam Cleaner, which worked so well on so many jobs around the home.  

steam cleaner

I took a chance to see if the steam cleaner was suitable for cleaning some stubborn stains from the upstairs carpets.  I have tried upholstery spray but it didn't touch them, so I had nothing to lose.  I was delighted that the steam lifted the stain from the pile and, once dried, the carpet was stainless for the first time in months!


Ian is usually the only one to get excited about household gadgets, but we both loved this one.  It is a versatile steam cleaner engineered for hygienic, environmentally-friendly, deep cleaning without the need for chemicals. It is a natural and environmentally-friendly solution that provides a family-friendly alternative from chemical cleaners that aggravate allergies and are harmful to children.  According to an independent study conducted by Allergy UK it also has been proven to remove:

  • 99.99% of House dust mites 
  • 99.83% of Cat allergens 
  • 99.01% of Dog allergens 
  • 99.37% of Pollen allergens 
  • 100% of Fungal spores 

It did so many jobs around the house, powering through the dirt on laminate, floor tiles, bathroom tiles, sinks, shower units, glass and paintwork.  It even cleaned away my carpet stain.  We went to town testing this steam cleaner and only had to refill the tank once so it is long lasting and efficient too.

It all fits back into the box after use for storage, ready to use to deep clean the house next time.  I seriously cannot praise this item enough, and anything that gets me this excited about housework really must be exceptionally good!  I love knowing that my house is hygienically clean and safe for my family.  It is now as much of a must have item for housework as my vacuum cleaner.

The Kärcher Steam Cleaners start at £129.99.  (The model we received is £219.99 RRP).  Other accessories are available to purchase separately.

Find out more and shop online for Kärcher UK Home and Garden products at