
Saturday, 8 December 2012

Oh Christmas Tree! #Project52

I never used to put up my tree until Winter Solstice but this year, infused with an unexpected dose of festive joy I have gone all out to celebrate the whole of December with my family! So on December the first we found the tree we wanted to bring into our home for Christmas.

Ikea, Christmas

The next morning, the children decorated the tree, sorting through decorations that spanned two decades of my family Christmases.  Each one brought with it its own special memory.

Christmas tree

The theme and colour scheme isn't exactly like the trees you see on the TV ads, but it is exactly how my children wanted it to be.  It's loud, mix 'n' match and completely original!

christmas tree

Decorated with laughter and music filling the house, the tree exudes joy.


The lights sparkle in the darkness.


The crazy array of ornaments, toys and baubles are just perfect for my slightly crazy family!

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky