
Friday 16 November 2012

Helping Children In Need


Children in Need will be taking over BBC 1 tonight, raising much needed cash to ensure that every child in the UK has a childhood that is safe, secure, happy and allows them to reach their full potential.  

Today, schools and nurseries got into the Children in Need spirit as schoolkids helped raise money by holding bake sales, sponsored events and non-uniform days.

Kizzy looked great in her Pudsey top and ears and her bright yellow shorts.  We'd baked some yellow polka dot cupcakes for the bake sale and she went to school with a handful of change to buy herself some goodies at break time.  Her school raised over £400.


Freddy decorated a plain white t-shirt with dots to wear to nursery and he helped eat the spare cakes we had made.  He returned home from nursery with a Pudsey sticker for popping his pound in the spotty collection box which he was very impressed with!

Children in Need

The wonderful Liska is reminding us to show our support for Pudsey and the Beeb by hosting a cute acrostic meme to make sentences using the letters of Pudsey.  Here is my poem about today.

People coming together for the greater good.
Unselfishly donating time and money for the children.
Dancing to Gangnam Style in a Flash Mob at Ella's college.
Selling cakes at Kizzy's school.
Everyone happy to help, restoring faith in humanity.
You only need to give a little to help a lot!

If you can spare a couple of minutes join Liska's meme and remind everyone to tune in and donate tonight.