
Thursday 28 June 2012

Things That Make Me Smile!

Reasons To Be Cheerful This Week

This week has seen two really fabulous pieces of news come our way.  Firstly, after over two months of being on redundancy notice, Ian's job is now officially safe.  Someone else taking another job made enough room for manoeuvre to save Ian's role (although the other bloke up for redundancy with him is not so lucky.) So for now we can breathe again!

Secondly, my gorgeous daughter Megan has graduated with a high 2:1 in Business Marketing and Management.  She's got some interviews lined up for internships and marketing roles and intends to carry on living in Manchester.  I'm so incredibly proud of her; her ambition, her tenacity and her drive.  She refuses to take a backward step, always looking onward and upwards, however hard that is.  Plus she is a wonderful daughter!

Thirdly I have made some top buys this week that have made me very happy!

Before I Go To Sleep by S J Watson

I bought this book as my summer read, but read it in two days because I couldn't put it down.  S J Watson is actually a friend of one of my friends, who is credited in the acknowledgements.  I've seen him chat on Facebook with the author at the time the book was released and have had an interest in reading it ever since.  I finally got around to buying it this week and I'm so glad I did.  

It is a tense, psychological thriller revolving around a woman with a rare form of amnesia following an accident.  In an attempt to piece together her life, in which she is unable to make or store new memories, she begins to write a journal which she re-reads every day.  She soon realises that she is not being told the whole truth.  As the story progresses we share her doubts, her fears and her confusion in this brilliantly written book.  I loved how the plot unravels through her suspicions, as written in her journal, giving us clues and doubts alongside plausible explanations for everything that happens.   Forget Christian this instead!

SJ Watson, literature, book, reading  

Festival Wellies From Primark

We have booked up to go to The M Fest Family Music and Food Festival in Leeds.  Given the unpredictability of British Summertime, we have prepared ourselves for all eventualities...from sun cream and sunglasses to wellies and waterproofs.  I was so happy when I found these cute little boots in Primark for just £10!  They are comfy and more usable than full length they are girly with a leopard skin print design and a bow!  I'll be rocking that festival chic look!

wellies, Primark,

My last reason to be cheerful this week is the fact that Ian has a good friend with a great allotment who is kind enough to share!  We received a huge bag of rhubarb, a fraction of which I have photographed here!  I predict a plethora of crumbles and syllabubs ahead.

rhubarb, crops, allotment

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart