
Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Ryvita Gets Patriotic

Designer Ryvita by Kelly Hoppen

Ryvita has partnered with world renowned British designer Kelly Hoppen MBE to design a special tin to celebrate all that's British during this exciting year!  The 'designer' Ryvita tin has a striking modern assymmetric design incorporating the Union flag.  It will hold a pack of your favourite Ryvita crispbreads keeping them fresh while adding a splash  of Kelly's unique style to your kitchen.

It is available to buy from the Ryvita website for £4.99 (including postage) and is available while stocks last.

Ryvita, Kelly Hoppen, Union Jack
Ryvita Designs For 2012

In addition, Ryvita have launched a range of limited edition Union Jack Packs to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. Available for packs of Original, Dark Rye, Multigrain and Sesame Ryvita, they will be available for approximately three months.  It's never been easier to show your patriotic colours!

For more details go to