
Thursday, 26 April 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful

It has been a lovely of those weeks where I can't stop smiling to myself.  Even though Ian's job is on the line and the weather is appalling and the follow/no-follow link situation has seen my head nearly implode, there has been enough good in the world to make me very happy!


It has been both mine and Ella's birthdays this week. Megan came home for the weekend to join in the celebrations and we had a wonderful time with lots of laughs and love.  Ella's wonderful friends really spoiled her with some very thoughtful gifts and enjoyed an afternoon at our house for a lunchtime party.  In a world where people are suspicious of the motives of young people and where teens are regarded in a negative light, it is lovely to see that Ella has picked her friends so wisely.  Both the boys and girls are polite, well mannered, friendly and engaging.  My daughter is well loved, respected and  cared for by her posse of pals and I am very happy about that!

Ian spoiled me on my birthday.  He took the day off to be with me, which was wonderful.  As if that wasn't enough he also surprised me with my brand new toy...a gorgeous laptop!  Thanks to the kids for helping with the surprise!

My eldest son is visiting this weekend which will be wonderful.  He makes me so very proud, I can't wait to see him and his girlfriend.

I know I say it a lot, but I really do feel incredibly blessed in my role as a wife and mother.  I wouldn't swap what I have for anything in the world.

Blogcamp 2012

I attended Blogcamp last Saturday and as well as learning a lot of stuff....albeit a lot that has caused me lots of headaches...I met up with a lot of fellow bloggers and enjoyed catching up and chatting with everyone.  I am really grateful to Sally for all she does for us.  I think the blogging world is on the cusp of great change, and I am doing my best to embrace this and hoping it leads to great things for our vibrant and diverse community.

Fab TV

I know it's shallow, but anyway....with Dexter, Desperate Housewives, Homeland and Touch on the tellybox, I am enjoying some topnotch TV programmes.  Add to that the fluff that is The Voice, The Apprentice, TOWIE and One Tree Hill and I am loving my television right now.  Ella and Meg are also telly addicts so we share the joy of sitting together on the sofa, watching TV and trying to second guess the plotlines! 

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart