
Thursday, 12 January 2012

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

This week has been very testing for me.  What is it with the start of new years to knock me for six!  

First of all Freddy has been really poorly.  We have had a touch of a flu bug but were both on the mend.  Then a couple of nights ago at 3am I became aware that his little body was violently shaking.  I tried to calm him thinking it was just him having a nightmare but I quickly realised he was actually having convulsions. Freddy wasn't with it at all and his temperature was starting to rise.  I phoned the out of hours medical service.  They ran through a checklist of symptoms and advised me to give him Calpol and Calprofen.  By now his temperature had spiked at 39.8 degrees and his hands and feet were freezing cold.  Thankfully the medicine brought his temperature down and Freddy came back, but not before projectile vomiting everywhere.  Today after a rough couple of days, he is back to his normal self and his temperature has stabilized.  I marvel at the resilience of our little ones and how they can bounce back.  I thank God that he just had a virus and has no ill effects from his ideal.  I am so, so grateful that my baby is OK.  However, the stress and lack of sleep has set me right back and I feel so ill again with infected sinuses.  I'm not as young as I used to takes a long time to get over things!

Ian has a date for surgery next week, culminating months of  tests and procedures to find out what was wrong with him.  When the medical profession tells you that you have a problem that could be serious, you immediately start to panic about life threatening diseases.  Thankfully, the root of Ian's problems are nothing more than a build up of internal scar tissue caused by a childhood BMX accident.  Although the surgery is invasive and will make him unwell for up to two weeks, it will prevent him from suffering from kidney failure in the future.  Together we will get through it.  I will put on my nurse's hat (metaphorically, not literally as I do not own a naughty nurse's outfit!!) and take care of my husband like he has always taken care of me!

Kizzy has written me the most beautiful letter because I have been really unwell and it is getting me down.  She ended it by writing "You inspire me, teach me and love me.  That is all I need!"  That made me feel so proud and very humbled.  However rough I feel right now she knows how to put a smile on my face.

I am battling on and trying to see the positive in everything.  I will not allow my problems to drag me down, life is too short and too precious.  I'll be better soon, the kids are all OK and Ian will soon get 'fixed' and recover and be as good as new.  Things will get better, and when they do I am going to super cheerful about it!

Find more reasons for good cheer over at Michelle's blog.  She also has a fabulous competition for everyone who links up!!