
Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Gallery...Faces

Tara's Gallery theme this week is "Faces".  

Faces tell a story.  Our facial features, made when flesh, bones and skin combine, make us recognisable as the unique individuals we are. Every emotion is reflected in our face.  Each time we laugh, smile or frown, it shows in the lines on our face, until eventually those moments become etched forever, preserving our memories, writing our story for everyone to see.  

My Nan, Joan, was born in 1910.  She grew into s beautiful young lady with her whole life ahead of her.  A life that was to span 98 years.  98 years of love, laughter, tears, sorrow, suffering, joy, experience, pain, adventure, friendship and family.  

Every moment of my Nan's amazing life was written onto her face over the years.  Her face would light up with the joy of her great-grandchildren.  Her face shone with the light of love.  Her face shared jokes and funny stories.  Her face showed every tear she had ever shed.  Her face told a million tales and  I remember each one as I recall her face.  Her beautiful face.