
Friday 14 October 2011

Flashback Friday...Kezia

My youngest daughter has just turned 9.  My funny, bright, gorgeous little girl is growing up so fast.  I am so proud of the way she has developed into such a unique and characterful individual.  She is a fabulous big sister to Freddy and a delight to have around with her tendency towards being such a comedian with a frighteningly mature sense of humour!  

She loves pink, sparkly, glittery things....but she also loves doing science experiments, the messier the better. She has researched theories on how the universe began and the plausibility of time travel, in between watching episodes of Hannah Montana and iCarly.  I love how she has no boundaries and never pigeon holes herself according to her gender or intellect.  She can be a girlie princess and a science geek at the same time!

When she grows up she wants to be a scientist, inventor, research chemist and make-up artist!  She is currently writing her Noble Prize acceptance speech for "Scientist of the Year" for solving global warming and designing the packaging for a new brand of environmentally friendly, health inducing make-up that she plans to invent and sell in her beauty salon called Ultra Violet.  She wants to take a year long honeymoon with her husband (who most definitely will NOT be Justin Bieber or Zac Efron...she hates them!) photographing all the landmarks she wants to visit around the world.  

Looking back for Flashback Friday I found some favourite photos of my girl.

Water Baby on the Beach with Ella.
Halloween Pose.
Colour Splash
Her Official 9th Birthday Photo!
I think one day she might change the world...or she'll be an awesome stand-up comic...or a big player in the cosmetics industry....or all three!!  Whatever she grows up to be...I'm one proud mummy!