
Monday 4 July 2011


My Mumentum posts are getting a bit dull...since using the Slimpods my attitudes have changed and I'm no longer battling my demons, binge eating or embarking on the next yo-yo diet.  The weight loss has slowed down but as I'm now in it for the long haul, I'm no longer stressing over the scales!

There are steps I can take to up the ante if I need to.  I still have a biggish evening meal which I insist on finishing.  I do feel full, but the part of me that has had it ingrained in me to 'clear my plate' can't quite bring myself to leave food.  But as my meals consist of healthy veggie fayre, I'm not too worried about it.  I just need to get the portion control sorted out using my Diet Plate.  I think that holds the key to my next step!

As for exercise, I know I should try and find something that I can do to get the blood pumping.  In the past I have done yoga, Pilates, holistic toning and attended the gym.  However every time I have done exercise, I have put my back out.  Even the back strengthening yoga poses have been known to do me damage.  It was after I had Ella 15 years ago that I damaged my spine.  X Rays showed I had slight scoliosis and her birth aggravated it to the extent that I found it hard to stand up and straighten my back.  It took a year to get better, but everytime I did any exercise it flared up giving me pain and a weakness in my legs.  It took me years to realise that my attempts to strengthen it were actually making my condition worse.  Any twisting, jolting or anything that put any undue pressure on my spine would set me back.

Since giving up the gym my back has been fine!  Oh the irony!!   But I'm not getting any real exercise.  Walking is the only thing left for me (I hate swimming and won't even consider that as an option!!).  So I hope this summer I will get off my arse and do a lot more walking with the kids...not just around the local shopping centre either!  I want to get out and about in the fresh air.  So that is my try and improve my fitness...without crippling my back!! Plus it'll be tonnes of fun!