
Saturday, 11 June 2011

The Karaoke Song Meme

I've been tagged by Working London Mummy in this meme which asks us which song we would sing if we did a turn on the Karaoke.  Now I am no stranger to the joys of the mic!  That is not to say I'm any good at it, but I am partial to singing my heart out to a backing track.

I hoped to do a recording of myself singing to my very favourite karaoke tune "Total Eclipse of the Heart" but I've caught my toddler's cough and cold and am a bit croaky.  I would sound even worse than usual and so I won't inflict that on the blogosphere (yet!!)

So here is another of my karaoke favourites recorded on my hubby's Blackberry at a family party in February this year. It's me doing Fame, backed up by Freddy on the 2nd mic held by my lovely future daughter-in-law Jade.

Now I have to tag five more fellow bloggers to find out what they would be singing when their turn on the karaoke came round!!

I am tagging
The Crazy Kitchen
Mummy, Daddy and Me Makes Three
Would Like to be a Yummy Mummy
The Boy and Me
Mummy Mummy Mum

I look forward to some karaoke greats from my taggees!!!