
Thursday, 26 May 2011

The Power of Words

Speech Development in Toddlers

My baby boy has taken a momentous step today in his development.  Freddy has always been a jabberer, chatting away in his own unique language.  Over time, distinct words became audible.  Then the odd word or two would be strung together...."Want Mummy," or "In garden."

Today however, Fred came up with a sentence that had us all amazed.  He loves playing outside in the garden.  He runs to the back door clutching his Bug Wellies in his little hands. Today though I showed him the torrential rain outside and he said "Go in garden but it's too wet".  The inflection on the words was so lyrical, it was like music to my ears.

Communication is such a vital component in parent/child relations.  Understanding your child's needs is so much easier given the development of language.  I love it when you can chatter with a toddler.  I look forward to hearing those little gems that they come out with.

I remember my older children when they learned to speak.  Megan now 19 had us all floored when at 3 she shouted out "Those pigeons are bastards!" in the middle of a busy town centre.  Ella had a speech impediment where she pronounced the -ck sound as a -t.  We had tats instead of cats and tates instead of cakes.  It was very cute.  We have a Christmas video where Kizzy at 2 shouted at her big brother Joe "I'm going to kick him's arse!" (Swearing actually features in two of those stories...note to self...curb profanity around toddlers!)

We are about to embark on the next phase of Fred's babyhood and I look forward to it so much.  The day he turns to me and says that he loves me will melt my heart!  Words are powerful things.

Soon he'll learn how to manipulate, beg and argue.  But he'll also tell me how he feels, what makes him happy and he'll chatter away about his day...I wouldn't have it any other way!  My MIL always says how she learned to ignore my chatterbox husband when he was a little boy, wishing she could switch off his babbling.  I love the sound of my little people expressing themselves...and I will relish every little sentence he utters.

My two eldest still phone home regularly to tell me what they are up to.  I love our chats and adore the relationship I have with them.  (Even though a lot of what they say results in money passing from our bank account into theirs!)

I hereby promise Fred that I will always listen to what he says.  His voice is important to me and it will be heard...although not always agreed with or acted on!!