
Thursday 14 April 2011

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy with a Heart

The Easter Holidays are in full swing.  Eldest daughter is home and the house is full of laughter and fun. Freddy is relishing being spoiled by his three big sisters and is in excitable mode.  It's full on and loud...exactly how I like it!  So I'm in a pretty cheerful mood this week.

1:  I was absolutely thrilled to bits to discover on Twitter that I had won the Tots 100 March Blog Hop Competition with my post Learning Through Play.  I really enjoyed writing the post because it meant scouring through all my archives to find photos of Freddy from birth to the present day that showed his journey through play.  It was wonderful to reflect on how far my little man had come in the last 21 months.

To have something that I have done validated in this way gives me a huge confidence boost.  Similarly receiving nominations for the New Blog, Family Life Blog and Blogger of the Year categories in this year's MAD Awards has made me feel incredibly humbled.  I don't expect to get any further but it is amazing to think that someone somewhere likes my blog enough to pop my URL in the nomination box.  Thank you so much to anyone who considered me for the honour of an award. x

2:  Freddy has developed a penchant for dancing which has had us all in hysterics wondering if I have spawned the next Louis Spence!  His snake hips move is worthy of Elvis in his hey day and any song sets him off.  He also uses things as impromptu microphones and sings loudly into them.  Embarrassingly though, my boob has become his latest mic of choice, which makes for discretely feeding my toddler an impossibility!!  He is definitely a future Robbie Williams in the making!

3:  After 3 months of waiting, the fence that blew down in January's gale force winds has finally been replaced.  It was the neighbour's landlord's responsibility and he dragged his feet.  Eventually the Letting Agency gave him an ultimatum and it was done in a week.  This means that Freddy can once again play out in the garden without constant adult supervision.  It gives him a little bit of freedom allowing him to play outside with his sister without me worrying that he will give her the slip and be off out into the street via the neighbour's garden.  It's a little thing, but I'm so glad it has been done for the holidays.  Now all we need is some sunshine!!