
Friday, 25 March 2011

Flashback Friday...Grandad

This week's Flashback Friday photo is a favourite of mine.  It's a photo of my Nan and Grandad from the 50's.  I love the "we've partied too hard" expression on my Grandad's face.  Fag in hand, pint in hand, party hat perched on his head at a jaunty angle!  A real man's man.  My Nan looks more serene with her sherry, but still a little jolly.  

My Grandad Bill died when I was about 9 years old and I don't have many memories of him before he fell victim to the bone cancer that killed him.  But I do remember him as being a big, strong man who used to make me wooden toys in his shed.  My favourite was a red and white set of shelves which was my shop.  It had my name painted on the top and I remember copying the letters to learn how to write my name.   We went for dinner and tea every Sunday at their house and we'd have cucumber in vinegar and tinned ham.  I wish I had more memories of him.  My mum sadly did not have a good relationship with her dad and the tales I've heard of him over the years do not sit comfortably with my image of the big, strong, toymaker that I remember so fondly.  So my memories forged with the innocence of my youth are the ones I hold dear of my Grandad.