
Monday, 7 February 2011

Ear Doc Review

When I was approached by Bloggomy to be a guest reviewer for the new Ear Doc device, I was most happy to oblige.  As a mum I know how awful ear infections can be.  My 18 month old has just suffered from a double ear infection and it was so horrendous to see him in such pain.  As parents we dose our little ones up with Calpol but that only addresses the symptoms and not the problem itself.

The Ear Doc offers a non-invasive, safe way of relieving ear pain in both adults or children.  It works by sending gentle vibrations into the ear which opens up blocked tubes which relieves pressure, reduces swelling and allows fluids to drain away.  I was given an Ear Doc device to use for the purpose of this review.

The head of the Ear Doc is held behind the ear.  The sliding switch turns on the vibration which can be increased with use.  The gentle vibration shakes the soft tissue inside the ear releasing fluids and reducing pressure on the eardrum.  It says it can stop earaches in seconds and 94% of people tested reported the relief or elimination of ear pain.

The Ear Doc is also recommended for swimmers, divers or for air travellers.  It can be used in the treatment of ear ache caused by sinusitis or colds, glue ear, ear infection, hearing loss, Eustachian Tube dysfunction or fluid in the middle ear.  It can be used in conjunction with medication, however as with all complimentary treatments medical advice is recommended.

As none of my children had an ear infection at the time of testing (thankfully for them!!), I can not comment on the effectiveness of the Ear Doc for pain relief.  However, the device is easy to use and you can feel the vibrating sensation in your ear.  If my children get a heavy cold I will use the Ear Doc to try to prevent any build up of fluid in the ear.

The Ear Doc website has plenty of advice, medical opinions, reviews and testimonials.  If ear ache is a problem in your household, I'd recommend that you take a look.  I love the idea of a safe, effective,  non-invasive, drug-free remedy for a problem that affects so many children.