
Monday, 22 November 2010

Graco Symbio Challenge No.1 Completed

Constructing My Graco Symbio!

Well, I am quite pleased with myself...even possibly a little smug!  I have before me a brand, spanking new Graco Symbio Pushchair...put together with my own fair hands! 

Now, I have to be honest, it really wasn't difficult.  Has my husband been exaggerating the difficulty factor of pushchair building for the last 22 years just to impress me???  Or have Graco designed their Symbio to be user friendly from the moment it arrives?

The construction was very intuitive with the parts simply clicking into place.  It went together easily and feels sturdy.  I sat Freddy in it and he was quite comfortable and I think I've built it correctly!

I had a little play with the reversible handle and it was such a simple process to switch from rearwards to forwards facing...there'll be more on that fabulous feature in later posts!

I really like the look of the Symbio.  It's not like any travel system I have had before.  It has big chunky, swivelling wheels and a really modern looking metal frame.  The seat is reminiscent of a car seat and is very soft and comfy.  The straps are secure and easy to do up and undo...not at all fiddly which is a plus with a wriggly toddler.  The raincover fits on with poppers and a zip...I love that idea.  Quick and easy!

Everything seems to have been thought out to make the Symbio user friendly.  My first impressions are very positive.  I look forward to looking at the features in more detail when I put it to the test.

I am now raring to go...just need to figure out how to fold it up to fit in the boot of the car and the world's our oyster!!