
Friday, 15 October 2010

Excited to be a Mummy Blogger!

Two months ago, blogging to me was something other people did.  It wasn't the sort of thing a 40 something, stay at home mum and housewife would embark on!  Surely not!!!   I was more a pen and paper kind of girl , my tinkerings with words were jotted firmly in the real world rather than in cyberspace!

However, in September, the world of blogging opened up to me.  At this time I started entering online competitions and with increasing frequency these were hosted on blogs.  I entered into a world of like minded women, reviews, stories and  advice.  There were so many blogs out there and each one was written by a real became something do-able!! 

As a new mum myself to 1 year old Fred, I empathized with other mothers in particular and have enjoyed looking at photos of beautiful babies and reading other mum's experiences of this magical time.  I felt I had something to contribute to this community.  So, with some trepidation I wrote my first post and with even greater trepidation, I published it.  I had started blogging! 

Getting a new follower or a comment is a real thrill and I have felt humbled and moved to think that my words can enter this virtual society and become a part of something so huge and with such potential!  I kept seeing the British Mummy Blogger badge on blogs I went to, and decided that I would love to be accepted into the official community of bloggers so I joined up.  I felt like an imposter applying for membership.  This was just me and my laptop...did I have a place in this group??  It took ages for my membership to be approved.  I concluded that they had taken one look at my ramblings and decided that I was not worthy of displaying the BMB badge!  Then today I received the acceptance email...I'm not going to lie...I was very excited!!  I was now an official blogger....not just a 40 something, stay at home mum and housewife!!

Win a Disneyland Paris Break by voting for my lovely parents!! TY xxx